You are invited to submit a proposal for the sale of the property located at 2001 N. Clybourn Avenue, the relocation of approximately 50 staff members that currently work at this site and include a plan to relocate an additional two programs that currently operate out of our 2032 N. Clybourn Avenue location. As per the attached RFP, part of the relocation project will be identifying new locations which will render greater opportunities for client recruitment, service expansion and improved efficiencies for these programs. The Lester and Rosalie Anixter Center Sale and Relocation project, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the attached request for proposal (RFP), which is also available on-line at

The Lester and Rosalie Anixter Center (Anixter Center), is a non-profit agency in Chicago that provides an array of services and supports for individuals with disabilities and related challenges to live, learn, work and play in the community.

Questions regarding the RFP must be addressed in writing, by the close of business and addressed to: Marta Considine –, no later than April 22, 2016.

If you intend to respond to the RFP, please include: 1) a written confirmation that you meet all minimum requirements, 2) an overview of your organization, 3) description of qualifications and experience, 4) names and qualifications of account executives/lead real estate professionals that will be assigned and 5) include five client references and a sample of your brokerage service agreement.

The response should be submitted to Marta Considine, Information and Logistics Manager, 2001 N. Clybourn Avenue, 3rd Floor, Chicago, IL 60614 via USPS and/or email:, and be received no later than May 2nd, 2016 (see Page 1 of the RFP). Anixter Center will not accept your proposal if you do not submit your proposal within the specified time period. If you have not received an email from Marta Considine by May 3, 2016 confirming receipt of your proposal, please contact her at: (773) 973-7900 x 245.

Marta Considine will be the single point of contact for all inquiries and correspondences.

Download RFP# 2001-2016 Here

Download Cover Letter Here

I thank you for your time, effort, and interest in the Lester and Rosalie Sale and Relocation project.




Dr. Teresa Garate
President & CEO