YesWeCountFlyer with 2020 Census information.

#Census2020 is about more than #PWD being counted. It’s about our entire community, all people with disabilities, showing up, being seen, and saying #YesWeCount #DisabilityCounts #ILCountMeIn

Our people will not be erased. Make sure you’re counted for #Census2020. #YesWeCount #DisabilityCounts #ILCountMeIn

The 2020 Census will determine how much money Illinois gets to serve people with disabilities. If #PWD don’t get counted, our independence, and our lives, could be at risk. We can help make sure you’re counted. #YesWeCount #DisabilityCounts #ILCountMeIn

We will NOT allow our friends, families, neighbors, and allies to be left out of #Census2020. No matter your race, citizenship status, gender identity, orientation, or disability you can be counted, and you SHOULD be counted. Contact us for #Census2020 assistance. #YesWeCount #DisabilityCounts #ILCountMeIn