Jack Ehrlich Literacy Program
“To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.”
-Victor Hugo
The Jack Ehrlich Literacy Program provides adult learners with free, one-to-one tutoring based on individualized goals.
As the first and only program of its kind in Chicago to focus on serving individuals with disabilities, the Jack Ehrlich Literacy Program has been a leader in adult literacy for over 25 years. From learning the alphabet and phonics to increasing reading levels, creative writing, and computer literacy, the adult literacy program supports adult learners of all abilities. Small group instruction for computer literacy and creative writing is also available.
The Literacy Program is run by Anixter’s wonderful volunteers. Read on to learn how our volunteers are changing lives.
Meet Maureen, one of Anixter’s
Literacy Volunteers.
“It’s a wonderfully rewarding experience where you develop a relationship with the person. It’s a give and take, but I get as much from my learner as I try to give. You’ll get back satisfaction, reward, and warmth from meeting another person who is so interested and looks forward to meeting with you. The people you’ll work with are the most giving and appreciative.”